Home of the ‘One Time Pick Em’

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How to Play.

The rules are simple: play any player each week, but each player can only be played once. Teams face off each week to see who can find the most unexpected top performers each week, and the team with the most fantasy points wins.

Build your roster each week with any player you haven’t already used.

Submit your roster any time before 1pm EST on Sunday. (Thursday night players must be submitted before TNF games.)

Compete against other Big Leaguers’ rosters!

Check the Standings each week to see your playoff odds!

Go for the gold to win first prize of $700!

    Hello, Big League-ers! This is a long one, and I don’t fault you if you skip around.  This season-end write-up is being emailed and posted to the website to ensure everyone sees this. Feel free to skip it or engage! But I would like everyone to at least check out the exit survey attached at the bottom.  As …
  • Week 17 Recap (Finale preview)
    “Remember – the wind blows harder the closer you get to the mountaintop.” –Daredevil Two people who need no reminder of that axiom would be Saquon Deez Nuts and The Hens. Ladies and gentlemen, between those two we have a new winner and champion of BIG LEAGUE FANTASY FOOTBALL. Through the mire of 36 teams, …
  • Week 16 Recap (Playoffs Round 2)
    And now we have four. Your champion will be one of the following: End Zone Jones, Saquon Deez Nuts, The Hens, or She Sucks My Boswell. Thunderous applause to those teams who have weathered the storm of 16 weeks of pure fantasy wickedness. We’ll have a brief write-up today followed up later by some weed …